the stream of time 意味

発音を聞く:   the stream of timeの例文
  • 時勢


  1. " haruka naru toki no naka de (beyond the stream of time )"


        on-stream time:    on-stream time オンストリーム時間[化学]
        stream of time:    時の流れ、時勢{じせい}
        in a stream:    流れの中に、続々と
        in the stream:    世事{せじ}[時勢{じせい}]に明るい
        on stream:    (工場{こうじょう}などが)生産中{せいさん ちゅう}で、操業{そうぎょう}に入って This year new plants are due to come on stream in China. 今年、新しい工場が中国で操業する予定である。
        on-stream:    {形} : 操業中の
        stream:     1stream n. 水流, 小川, 川; 流れ; 風潮, 時勢; 〔電算〕 ストリーム. 【動詞+】 cross a stream 小川を渡る She directed a stream of water at him with the hose. ホースの水を彼のほうへ向けた fish a stream. 川で釣りをする ford a s
        stream into:    ぞろぞろ入って行く
        stream of:    《a ~》絶え間なく続く~、次々{つぎつぎ}と来る~
        stream with:    ~が流れる、~を流す、~で覆われる
        to stream:    to stream 流れる ながれる 流れ込む ながれこむ
        adjusted stream:    順応河川{じゅんのう かせん}
        adolescent stream:    adolescent stream 青年期水流[地球]
        against the stream:    時勢に抗して
        air stream:    air stream 気流[化学]; 空気流[化学]


  1. "the stream issues from the lake and flows west" 意味
  2. "the stream joined the river just below the bridge" 意味
  3. "the stream meanders through the lowlands" 意味
  4. "the stream of cars is growing thinner" 意味
  5. "the stream of consciousness" 意味
  6. "the stream passing through the pasture" 意味
  7. "the stream raced down the valley" 意味
  8. "the stream snaked its way across the field" 意味
  9. "the stream snakes its way across the field" 意味
  10. "the stream of cars is growing thinner" 意味
  11. "the stream of consciousness" 意味
  12. "the stream passing through the pasture" 意味
  13. "the stream raced down the valley" 意味

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